
# Quick Start

Welcome to Thinking Analytics. In order to help you quickly get started, we have summarized the precautions and practical suggestions in the data integration process and written this quick start guide. If you are using the TA platform for the first time, we sincerely recommend that you read this guide before starting the project.

# A brief process

# Process analysis

# Step1: Acquire a super management account

  • For private deployment, ThinkingData provides the company's unique hypermanaged account, and only hypermanaged users can create projects and add administrators.
  • When SAAS is deployed, there is no corporate override and the project will be created directly by ThinkingData. You can jump to step S3.

# Step2: Create Project

**1. After entering the system, you can enter the " ****Access Details ****" function page by clicking " ****System Management **"

2. After clicking "New Project", enter the project name as required and generate APP_ID

**3. In the project access ****details will appear new items **and corresponding APP_ID

# Step3: Understanding and organizing needs

At this stage, you need to understand the TA's data structure and sort out the game's play and system.

  1. First of all, you need to understand TA's data model - Event & User model, that is, TA's data is composed of two parts - user personal information and user-generated behavior.

  2. Comb the function and system of the product and determine the dimensions to be analyzed.

  3. Determine the account system in the product and whether there are visitors using it.

For details, please refer to the chapter Project Understanding .

# Step4: Designing data collection solutions

At this stage, the data collection scheme needs to be designed according to the combed analysis points.

  1. According to the combed analysis point settings, set the events to be uploaded and determine the event tracking trigger conditions.

  2. According to the analysis dimension of the event, add attributes to the event. The event attributes are used for filtering conditions, analysis dimensions and analysis indicators during analysis.

  3. Set user features according to requirements. User features are mainly used to distinguish different types of users.

Please refer to the chapter on setting user features and event properties for details.

# Step 5: Data Reporting

At this stage, it is necessary to determine the data reporting method and complete the data reporting and testing.

  1. At this stage, you first need to determine how the data is reported. TA supports the use of client side SDK, server level SDK, and data transfer tools for data reporting.

  2. Secondly, we recommend that you upload some test data and basic data to check whether the data channel is unblocked, whether the data format and interface call are correct

  3. Finally, the data is reported according to the data collection scheme.

For details, please refer to the chapter on data reporting .

# Step6: Add project team members

1. After entering the system, you can enter the "Member Management" function page by clicking "Project Management"

2. Under Projects, click "Add Existing Members" or "Create New Members" to add an existing account or create an account

3. Assign appropriate roles to the created account, and then distribute the downloaded account and initial password to the user

# Step7: Create analysis models and reports

1. Select the appropriate analysis model according to the requirements

2. Perform calculations and save to report as prompted

# Step8: Combine into Kanban, share and use

1. First sign the new kanban on the data dashboard page

2. Add the created report that needs to be analyzed, and you can adjust the arrangement of the report in the Kanban board by dragging and dragging

3. Select the share type and add the share object (default is visible only)

4. Complete deployment and access core data anytime, anywhere

# Detailed process

If you want to know more details about the access process, you can view the detailed process introduction:

  1. Pre-preparation phase : what you should do before you start using the TA platform

  2. Project Understanding : How to set events to track based on your analysis needs

  3. Set user feature and event properties : Set properties for events and users you need to track

  4. Data Reporting : How to Upload Setup Events to TA Platform via SDK

  5. Background configuration : what to do before using TA background for data analytics

  6. Subsequent use : precautions and suggestions in the subsequent use process