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# Operation Task Management

On the Operation Task List page, you can also manage existing operation tasks or view task push records and Task Details in addition to creating new tasks.

Modify groups

You can directly click the pull-down box to modify or switch the group of an operation task.

Note: Operations like creating or deleting groups or modifying group names can only be performed by operation administrators or higher roles.

View push records

You can click record of the operation column to view push records of operation tasks to promptly learn the state of every push.


You can click Cancel or Approve the task pending approval. (For more information about approval, please seeApproval Settings).

Send (for manual push tasks only)

You can manually send approved manual push tasks at any time as per your needs.

Pause (for running tasks only)

You can pause running tasks. Paused tasks will not execute subsequent pushes.


You can copy an existing operation task and create a copy draft with identical configuration information.

Delete (for non-running tasks)

You can delete drafts or operation tasks that have been paused or ended.